Home Manager
Salary: Exceeds National Minimum Wage Location: UK-NW-Liverpool
Type: Full time Postal/Zip Code: L18 3ER
Liverpool, NW L6 4DL
Job description
BrecksidePark Residential Home
Job Description
Job Title: Home Manager
Accountable to: Director and Regulatory Bodies
The Purpose of the Role
The Home Manager must be qualified, competent and experienced to run the Home and meet its stated purpose, aims and objectives. The Home Manager’s approach should create an open, positive and inclusive atmosphere. The Home Manager is also responsible for demonstrating strong positive ideas about professional practice and the right of the individuals (particularly privacy, dignity, independence, choice and self fulfillment) and meeting the National Minimum Standards, and complying with the Care Home Regulations and all relevant legislative requirements.
1. To be involved in producing and making available to service users a Statement of Purpose setting out the aims, objectives, philosophy of care, services and facilities and terms and conditions of the home. To provide a Service Users’ Guide and make this available for current and prospective service users.
2. To ensure that all service users within the Home are provided with a statement of terms and conditions on or prior to admission.
3. To ensure that all service users be assessed prior to admission, evidencing that their needs can be met at the home and that emergency admissions be assessed within 24 hours. To write a letter to the prospective service user confirming this.
4. To demonstrate the Home’s capacity to meet the assessed needs (including specialist needs) of all individuals admitted to the Home.
5. To ensure that prospective service users are invited to visit the Home and to move in on a trial basis.
6. To ensure that all service users have a plan of care/support and that each individual and/or their representatives have been involved in drawing up their care plans.
7. To ensure that the complaints procedure is adhered to at all times, and that all complaints are dealt with in writing and to ensure a positive outcome.
8. To ensure that all staff have been subject to a robust recruitment procedure in line with company policy.
9. To ensure staffing levels and skill mix are consistent with service user needs and the Home’s occupancy. To ensure that a minimum of 2 weeks rosters are completed and made available.
10. To ensure Safeguarding Policies are adhered to, to protect and safeguard vulnerable people
11. To ensure that records of all financial transactions are maintained, with receipts etc as appropriate.
12. To communicate a clear sense of direction and leadership, which staff and service users understand and are able to relate to the aims and purpose of the Home.
13. Ensure that all information that is requested is completed accurately and within time guidelines set.
Health and Personal Care
1. To ensure that care plans are ‘Person Centered’ and compiled for each service user following full assessment.
2. To ensure that care plans are completed following full assessment of service users needs within 72 hours of admission and invite participation from the service user and/or relatives.
3. To ensure systems are in place to review service users needs at least monthly with the individual service user and or their representative.
4. To maintain and ensure adherence to policies relating to the ordering, receipt, recording, storage, handling, administration and disposal of medicines, and offering service users opportunity to self-administer medication if they wish, subject to appropriate risk assessment being undertaken.
5. To ensure that service user’s rights are respected at all times and in line with the Human Rights Act and Mental Capacity Act 2005 and ensuring Deprivation of Liberty (DOLs) guidelines are always followed.
6. To ensure that service users are safeguarded from physical, verbal, financial or material, psychological or sexual abuse, neglect, discriminatory abuse or self-harm, inhuman or degrading treatment, through deliberate intent, negligence or ignorance, in accordance with written policies.
Quality Assurance
1. To ensure that care home auditing system is implemented, monitored and reviewed within the Home, and appropriate action is taken in response to the audits.
2. To complete and maintain the Annual Quality Assessment Audit (AQAA) and keep it up dated on the database on a monthly basis reflecting improvements and action plans.
3. To respond and act on the findings of the Regulation 26 visit reports and ensure issues identified are resolved.
4. To gain views from all service users, their families and/or representatives, staff, GP’s, Care Managers, Community Nurses and other stakeholders annually, by issuing surveys and auditing them to determine where improvements can be made.
5. To respond with an action plan within given timescales, to any requirements/recommendations made by any regulatory body e.g. CQC, Local Councils, HSE, Food Safety Agency, EVH.
1. To monitor financial procedure in the Home.
2. To control expenditure within pre-determined budgets.
3. To guarantee assured and reflective funding prior to admission.
Staffing and Personnel
1. To resource, recruit and retain appropriate staffing levels and skill mix to ensure the smooth running of the Home adhering to the company equal opportunity policy and the company recruitment procedures.
2. To ensure staff in the Home meet the statutory and mandatory training requirements.
3. To source, monitor and participate in the delivery of staff induction, training and development programme.
4. To arrange and ensure 1:1 supervisions for all staff are carried out least 6 times per year.
5. To hold regular staff meetings and keep records of outcomes.
6. To always follow up any grievances and/or disciplinary action in line with employment law and, keeping clear written records of evidence at all times.
Health and Safety
1. To be responsible for the health and safety locally, by ensuring that the safety of staff, service users and all visitors to the Home is maintained as is reasonably practicable, in line with current relevant health and safety legislation.
2. To monitor and review the Homes resources and ensure that the Home is equipped for the needs of service users, and fit for purpose.
3. To ensure that safe working practices are being demonstrated at all times.
1. To act as ambassador for the Home by establishing and maintaining good relationships with all visitors, prospective service users and professional or allied personnel.
2. To actively implement the agreed marketing plans and report on local competition.
Person Specification
All managers must have previous management experience and hold a Management Qualification e.g. Leadership in Management of Care (LMC) or NVQ level 4 in Management or equivalent, or be working towards it.
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